Das Evil Dead-Remake ist unter Horrorfans aktuell "The Talk of the Town" und steht nicht zuletzt durch die Trailer bei vielen ganz oben auf der "Most-Wanted-Liste". Die beiden veröffentlichten Trailer lassen auch keinen Zweifel daran, dass das Remake mit einem R-Rating in die Kinos kommen wird. Etwas, das Produzent Sam Raimi in früheren Interviews schon angedeutet hatte.
Mit Collider plauderte Regisseur Fede Alvarez nun ein bisschen mehr über die MPAA-Freigabe und stellt dabei klar, dass Evil Dead definitiv R-Rated sein wird und nicht - wie oft gemunkelt - mit einem NC-17 starten wird.
It will be an R-rated movie no matter what. When we wrote the script we delivered it and they were like “Oh, this is amazing.” [Producers] Robert Tapert and Rami are more like good cop, bad cop; those are the dynamics of it. Bruce [Campbell] is always excited about everything. And for me it was such a dream to have those three guys talking about the movie, it was awesome. But the voices were like—basically Tapert, being a little more realistic was like “That’s an NC-17 movie right there, the way it was written.” But there are people at Sony that take care of that, a liaison with the MPAA, and they read it and go “Oh, I think that will be an R because of the supernatural aspects of it.” You know you Americans are crazy, right? The whole ratings system is like “cuckoo!” Because there’s not much sex, actually, but there is…in a way. But not in the “Oh look, a boob” or “Oh, they have some sex now” not that kind of sex. So that’s all right, all the mutilation and all that, that’s all cool for kids. It’s great.
Ferner sprach Alvarez über die berühmt-berüchtigte Vergewaltigunsszene des Originals, welche es natürlich auch im Remake geben wird.
Collider: How do you approach the tree rape scene? Because you’re taking things over the top, how do you deal with that? Because there’s sexual violence there, which obviously censors don’t take lightly.
ALVAREZ: Oh, I approach it. We really approach it. I guess what is really offensive about the original, which Sam told me from the beginning “Oh, I’m not proud of that scene,” …
Collider: It was all Rob’s fault. We heard that was Rob’s idea.
ALVAREZ: Yeah. And also, the problem is when you look at it, she gets raped, but then it seems like she’s enjoying it? That’s wrong. No one’s going to enjoy that. In this one I’d say it’s more brutal, in a way. But it’s still rape. And actually it was again Rob, because in the beginning Sam didn’t want it, didn’t write it. He was like, “Well it’s kind of implied, and maybe we’d do a version for DVD because we’re going to get an NC-17 if we do it.” But then Rob was like “Fuck no, let’s rape it.”
Interessant dürfte sein, dass verschiedene Schnittfassungen geplant sind, welche sich in Sachen Gewalt und Gore stark unterscheiden sollen. So soll das R-Rating sichergestellt werden. Es ist aber zu erwarten, dass das härteste Material später auf DVD/BD zu sehen sein wird.
Evil Dead wird am 12. April 2013 in den amerikanischen Kinos starten. Deutscher Kinostart wird der 25. April 2013 sein.
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