Wie das Studio kurz nach der Ankündigung bekanntgab, habe man auch ein neues Metroidentwickeln können, habe sich aber zu Gunsten von Donkey Kong entschieden. Da es sich um ein recht großes Studio handelt, machten rasch Vermutungen die Runde, das Studio werkle insgeheim doch noch an einem zweiten Titel. Diesen Hoffnungen erteilte Michael Kelbaugh, der Präsident der Retro Studios, nun im Interview mit IGN eine Absage.
Kelbaugh zufolge fehlen den Retro Studios die Kapazitäten, zwei große Spiele gleichzeitig zu entwickeln, weshalb man nur an einem einzigen Arbeite. Er versicherte aber, dass sein StudioMetroid liebe und gern einen neuen Ableger produzieren möchte.
Kelbaugh zufolge fehlen den Retro Studios die Kapazitäten, zwei große Spiele gleichzeitig zu entwickeln, weshalb man nur an einem einzigen Arbeite. Er versicherte aber, dass sein StudioMetroid liebe und gern einen neuen Ableger produzieren möchte.
Well, we love Metroid. We love Metroid Prime and we always will. It was a big part of our studio, the culture of the studio. The majority of that team is still at Retro. When we finished with DK, we still had a lot of really cool ideas. That, in combination with what the Wii U could do, we really wanted to continue with that. Again, Retro Studios loves Metroid. We might do another one someday. But we really enjoyed working with DK as well.
We’re pretty much on one major project at a time. We do a game every two years or three years," Kelbaugh said. "In the first year of that, we have some extra bandwidth, so sometimes… We helped out with Mario Kart 7. We helped Monster Games do the 3DS version. Sometimes we’ll have a little bit of extra bandwidth to help out other entities at Nintendo. We really feel strongly about helping out Nintendo as a whole, so if we have time, we’ll do that. Do we have the bandwidth to do two major projects at once? I don’t think so. A big project and a little project at the same time, we can do that.
We’re pretty much on one major project at a time. We do a game every two years or three years," Kelbaugh said. "In the first year of that, we have some extra bandwidth, so sometimes… We helped out with Mario Kart 7. We helped Monster Games do the 3DS version. Sometimes we’ll have a little bit of extra bandwidth to help out other entities at Nintendo. We really feel strongly about helping out Nintendo as a whole, so if we have time, we’ll do that. Do we have the bandwidth to do two major projects at once? I don’t think so. A big project and a little project at the same time, we can do that.
Auch der für die Zusammenarbeit mit den Retro Studios zuständige Nintendo-Produzent Kensuke Tanabe äußerte, das Universum von Metroid gern erweitern zu wollen.
Basically I’m thinking of, not just Samus, but how we can expand the whole Samus universe. You remember Metroid Prime Hunters. I’m thinking about things like how we could make that go out further, with all these different bounty hunters as well.
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